Monday, August 28, 2017

Our Sunday Adventures – Marshfield Fair

Hi, friends! Happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Ours went by too fast, but I’m ready to start the week. How about you?

Sunday morning kicked off promptly at 7:01 AM when Quinn’s alarm clock went off. After that, he and Dada watched TV downstairs while Murphy and I headed out for a walk.

The pug and I walked for about 30 minutes before heading home. I was pretty hungry by then, so I made breakfast for the boys and then broke into my overnight pumpkin seed + protein powder oats. And, of course, I added a big scoop of peanut butter to the mix.

After breakfast, Mal met up with one of his friends to spend the day doing yard work together. They both had big projects that they needed help with, so they decided to team up and take turns in each other’s yards. I really wanted to do some sort of workout since I didn’t fit too many in last week, so I mentioned running with the jogging stroller to Quinn. I wasn’t sure if he’d go for it, but he asked if he could bring the iPad and it sounded like a great idea to me. I mean, we both would get what we wanted! šŸ™‚ #runhappy

I ended up running 2 miles with the stroller and completing a total of 90 walking lunges, 45 push-ups, and 45 triceps dips. I pretty much stopped every half a mile or so to do a set (30, 15, 15).

Back at home, I took a quick shower and got ready to head out for some morning adventures with Quinn. Our first stop: Starbucks drive-thru. Unfortunately, when I finally received my order, it was basically a cup full of cream. Whomp whomp. I thought about sending it back, but we had already waited a really long time and the line was super long, so I just sucked it up and drank it.

After that, we drove straight to Hornstra Farms to visit the cows.

We looked for Quinn’s cat friend, but never found him. Bummer. Before we left, we picked out some fresh corn for dinner from the farm store.

Our next stop was Jacobs Pond.

We explored the walking trails in the woods and played hide-and-seek for a while.

We also headed down to the water to check out the people fishing off the dock.

Our final stop was at CVS to grab a few items, including new toothpaste for Quinn, which he was so excited about. Our local CVS has a small pond with a bunch of geese outside, so we spent quite awhile hanging out with them. Quinn loved that they followed him back-and-forth along the fence, and we even saying them a few songs while they squawked back at us.

It was lunchtime when we arrived home, so I made us some lunch while simultaneously getting ahead on my food prep for the week.

After Quinn and I finished eating lunch, I put him down for a nap. He said he was tired and went right to sleep after I read him one book.

I headed downstairs with my laptop to work outside on the back porch. It was a beautiful day, and I just couldn’t sit inside. A couple of hours went by, and I started to feel a little snack-y, so I broke out some Harvest Snaps… and, well, finished off the bag. They were just so good!

Quinn slept until nearly 4:00 PM. When he woke up, we quickly got ourselves together to meet some friends at the Marshfield Fair. I wasn’t sure what our plan was for dinner, so I grabbed a bunch of snacks for Quinn and 3 Peanut Butter Protein Balls for me to eat on the road.

We met some friends at the Marshfield Fair. It was both of our first times there and we were so impressed. There was so much to see and do – even for little kids.

The kiddos had a great time, and I can only imagine how much more fun it will be when they’re a bit older. Quinn even won a fidget spinner, which, of course, he’s now obsessed with! šŸ™‚

After the fair, we were all starving, so we stopped by Cask ‘n Flagon for dinner. I got a turkey burger with sweet potato fries and a glass of wine. It was the perfect way to finish off an awesome day!

Question of the Day

How was your Sunday? Do anything fun? 

What snack are you loving lately?


The post Our Sunday Adventures – Marshfield Fair appeared first on Carrots 'N' Cake.

Article source:Carrots ’N’ Cake

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