Saturday, November 18, 2017

Quinn’s First Soccer Practice + My New Stand-Up Desk

I’ve partnered with VARIDESK to bring you this blog post. And, I have to admit, I never thought I’d be so enthusiastic about a desk. For real. In just a few weeks it has transformed how I work and feel. Read on to see why I love this stand-up desk so much!

It’s my favorite morning of the week – Saturday – because I get to spend it with my boys. This one starts with some early-morning ghost-busting. I mean, you gotta do what you gotta do to keep the family safe.

Once our home is cleared of ghosts, we head to CrossFit followed by a trip to Coffee Shack for donuts and iced coffee (aka my favorite morning ever).

We actually don’t spend too much time at Coffee Shack because we have important places to be. First stop: Target to buy Quinn his very first soccer ball.

The kid knows what he likes and picks out a black/blue/white beauty.

With soccer ball in hand, we head to Quinn’s first soccer practice. We signed him up for a late-fall program at a local sports center with other 2-5 year old kids.

Quinn loves his first official soccer practice and zooms all over the indoor field – both dribbling the ball and carrying it in his arms. We’re working on the picking up the ball thing! 🙂

Soccer is a lot of fun for all of us. After practice, we head home for lunch and nap time. On the menu (for me): An Israeli-inspired tasting plate. Yum!

While Quinn is napping, a special package arrives at our house: A new stand-up desk from VARIDESK. Woohoo!

When VARIDESK reached out about trying one of their desks, I was ALL about it. For months (maybe even years) now, I’ve talked about wanting a stand-up desk. They’re just so great for your health. Just some of the benefits of moving more/owning a standing desk: More energy, improved mood, more productivity, reduced back and neck pain, and increased metabolism.

I love living a healthy, active lifestyle, so with VARIDESK, I don’t have to stop being active during work. Instead of sitting on my rump all day, it has turned my usual sedentary routine into a more active experience and encourages more movement without disrupting my work routine. Moving more throughout the day definitely makes me feel better about all of the time I spend in front of my laptop!

You guys might remember that I have back issues due to scoliosis, so sitting for long periods of time makes the pain so much worse. And my posture, especially when I sit at desk, is terrible. I try to stay conscious of it, but the longer I work, the worse it gets. Standing definitely eliminates some of that strain on my neck and back. Long story short, my new PRODESK™ 48 in butcher block has changed the way I work, and I am pumped to have it in my life!

One of the things that I really love about this desk was how EASY it was to assemble. I didn’t need any tools, and it took me maybe 5 minutes to set it up. Check out my video below to see how simple it is to use!

After playing around with my new desk for awhile, we head out to take Murphy for a walk around the neighborhood.

We’ve had a crazy few weeks, so we decide to spend our Saturday night at home. We make dinner, play blanket forts, and then conclude the night with pajamas and popcorn on the couch while watching Toy Story 3, which is absolutely hilarious and probably my favorite of the Toy Story movies. Anyone else agree? So funny!

Question of the Day

Have you ever used a stand-up desk? If so, what’d you think? If not, would you want to try one? 

The post Quinn’s First Soccer Practice + My New Stand-Up Desk appeared first on Carrots 'N' Cake.

Article source:Carrots ’N’ Cake

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