Monday, November 13, 2017

High Low High 24

Good morning and a very happy Monday to you!

As you might remember, I love a good High Low High blog post, so here’s a recap of our weekend, which shares both the high and low points from it. I always like to focus on the positive side of things, so there’s typically more highs than lows. With that, here’s how our weekend went. And, of course, I’d love to hear about your weekend too, so feel free to share some highs and lows in the comment section below!

HIGH: Family date night at the British Beer Company in Pembroke. They invited us for dinner and we were more than happy to accept. Our local BBC is right down the street from CrossFit, so we pop in from time-to-time, but we hadn’t been in awhile, so I was excited to see what they had to offer on their fall/winter menu.

Drinks to start – Mal had a little trouble deciding which beer to pick (there were so many of his favorites on the menu), so our waitress gave him a small tasting, which was a lot of fun for him.

I love beer, but beer doesn’t love me, so I went with a dirty vodka martini with olives. Mmm! Happy Friday to me!

For my entree, it was an easy decision: Smoked Shipyard Pulled Pork Tacos.

Holy yum! Seriously, these were awesome… and with the sweet potato mash on the side… perfection. I highly recommend this meal! 🙂

LOW: Quinn waking up at 2:30 AM and then again at 4:45 AM because he wanted to “play.” He even turned on the lights in his bedroom. Ugghhhh, this staying in bed thing has been rough lately. We’re all tired and no amount of “reasoning” has worked, so we resorted to taking away toys, which was a “fun” way to start the day on Saturday morning.

HIGH: A fun partner workout followed by iced coffee and donuts at Coffee Shack. My favorite type of Saturday morning!

LOW: Overtired and cranky 3 year drama. Blahhhhh.

HIGH: Getting Quinn down for an early nap, which meant we made it to a friend’s birthday party only an hour late. It was scheduled during nap time, so we originally weren’t sure if we were going to make it at all. I’m glad we did!

HIGH: Catching up with friends and eating delicious food. The dessert pictured above is “acorn donut bites.” How cute are they?!

HIGH: Quinn sleeping until almost 7:00 AM on Sunday morning. Our taking away toy tactic work!

HIGH: Spending all day Sunday at a course called “Practical Guide to Nutrition, Hormones, and Metabolism.” 

LOW: The course just being so-so. There was a lot of great info overall, but it barely touched on hormones, which was the main reason I signed up for it. Oh, well.

LOW: After a long day and battling a ton of traffic on my way home, not having the motivation to food prep. 

HIGH: Making a batch of shredded chicken and some delicious Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Protein Cookies. Meal prep priorities, right?

HIGH: Finishing season 2 of Stranger Things. It was SO GOOD! It actually took us much longer than expected to finish it because I kept falling asleep during every episode. Haha! I absolutely loved it, but jet-lag + 3 businesses + 3 year old = exhausted. But, seriously, I loved season 2 so much – maybe even more than season 1! Have you seen this quiz on Buzzfeed: Which Stranger Things Character Are You? Mal and I both took it and got Nancy, which was pretty accurate of our personalities! 🙂

Questions of the Day

Are you a fan of Stranger Things? 

Are you a beer drinker? What’s your current favorite?

Share a high and low from your weekend! 


The post High Low High 24 appeared first on Carrots 'N' Cake.

Article source:Carrots ’N’ Cake

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