Wednesday, November 22, 2017

CNC Is Broken – Make Sure You’re On The List

Make sure you’re on the list!

It’s a good thing it’s a short week this week because I’m about to lose it with technology issues. If you signed onto Carrots ‘N’ Cake on Monday morning, you might have been redirected to a sketchy gaming site. I’m so sorry about that! Apparently, CNC was attacked by some sort of malware over the weekend. Ughhhh. Thankfully, my web guy was on it right away and got my blog up and running again, but the dashboard is still messed up, which is why I’m sending out a newsletter today. Keep an eye out for it in your inbox this afternoon!

The post CNC Is Broken – Make Sure You’re On The List appeared first on Carrots 'N' Cake.

Article source:Carrots ’N’ Cake

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